Photo: Bruno Scramgnon





Have you read our previous article?

The New Dance Teacher's Guideline for Success



Updated in March 2024




I get asked this question quite often:

"- How are you so positive? What's your secret?!"

Which I answer by

"- I'm a good Actor!..."


Hold on. I'm not acting. Like everyone else, I have problems; the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows.

Let's say that I find an optimistic viewpoint in a negative situation.

Give it a try; it could completely change your existence! 

How to apply that in your everyday life?

Let's talk about it.




1) You are Optimistic

Option 1

That is how I feel at the end of the week:

<< Oh my, I'm so happy! I had the perfect training week; I went back to ballet after a few months and felt fantastic! Full of energy, it is so good to be back! >>. 

Option 2

I could have said the same thing that way: 

<< Oh my, I'm so tired! I went back to ballet after a few months. It was terrible! So hard to be back! I'm exhausted! I can't walk anymore; my legs hurt! I'm getting old! >>. 

I just gave you an example of how to stay optimistic. Although it is the same week, how I feel about it is just a question of point of view. I decided to focus on option number 1, the only message I would send to my brain. 


There are no secrets to remaining positive; it is just a choice. That is why some dancers are successful in what they do. They have problems, but they are not stuck on them; they are moving on because the way you react to problems is KEY. This is how you remain positive and happy. You just decide to be! I choose to see the bright side in any situation because there is a bright side always.


Being positive also impacts your well-being and even your health! The benefits are incredible.

"Research conducted by the University of Sydney suggests people who think optimistically will recover faster from illness. Research suggests that people who think positively have a better chance of recovering from serious illness than those who don't."




2) Focus On What You Want

The art of visualisation.

It has to start somewhere, in your brain first.

Dancers, how did you learn to do the splits? How? Seriously, pause for a moment and think about the answer. You have seen it in your mind! You might not realise it, but you did! Everything starts there. For anything you want to be, you must believe in it very hard. You must feel it and act like it's real

You must also stop saying: "I don't want [that] to happen to me..."


A good example:

Option 1

<< My contract is ending in a few months, I didn't find another job yet, I'm so worried as I don't want to end up broke… >>

Option 2

<< My contract is ending in a few months, I didn't find another job yet, but I'm okay because I'm sure I will quickly find something to keep making money. >>   This is called positive visualisation.

It is the same situation, but the outcome will be different in option 2. Nothing has happened yet; however, they see themselves finding a job quickly, so what's going to happen in that case? They will find a job soon and keep earning good money as they visualise it.

Don't think about "how"; think about the result.

When you focus on what you want rather than what you don't want, you only achieve your goal and nothing else. Also, you are more motivated and proactive because you are not living guided by fears.

That makes a big difference, which is why confident dancers keep working without interruption. They think that way every day. 

Get into this habit and focus on what you want only. Please pay attention to how you speak to others and even yourself; I'm sure some of you have seen yourself in option 1; it's okay. I'm glad you are reading this article today because now you will only think about your desires.

And what if you fail? It's entirely okay. I don't believe in failure; you learned a valuable lesson. You can make mistakes because you are trying, and that's great!




3) Your Words are Powerful

I hear that all the time.

Even in the morning, people in the tube are tired; they indeed are. Dancers at the barre in the morning: << I'm so tired >>. They didn't even start, but they were already tired!...

If you decide to feel rubbish today, you will feel rubbish.

If you are constantly saying that you are tired, you are tired. If you keep saying you are bad at cooking, you won't cook a decent meal. If you verbalise that you are getting old, guess what? You are getting old!


Do not use certain words to describe yourself, especially when you are a performer. Those words can kill your spirit and even your talent! Yes, it does. Everything you put over and over again in your brain becomes YOUR TRUTH.


Are you talking like that? It is never too late to upgrade yourself.

I'm never tired. Always full of energy, like a volcano! Always been this way, and people know me for my vibrant energy. I do indeed look after myself, I make sure to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat well, but it is not the only reason. I don't use such negative words. I don't say them; I don't think about them either!  

The same goes for: << I'm getting old >>. People blame their age for something they can't do or call themselves << old >> even in their 20's or 30's! Incredible but true! 

What happens when you say those words? Your wish is my command!... You are tired, and you are getting old every single time you pronounce them! Oh Yes! Can you imagine repeating those words every day? A few times a day for four years? Oh my, what a disaster!...


The last time I went to my hometown, I met some good friends of mine after a few years, and one of them said to me:

<<-How is that possible?! We are all getting old in here, but you don't! Why is that?

-You are getting old because you just said it! And thanks for your words, by the way!... >>

He's in his early 30's. It's a shame because he is still young, but he feels old. Everything you say about yourself and think is what you become; you create this reality because you send these terrible messages to the universe and your brain!


Instead, try positive affirmations such as:

I am Healthy

I am feeling Fantastic

I am Rich

I am Generous

I am Amazing

I am Lucky

I am Young

I am Beautiful

I am Handsome

I am Successful

I am Talented

I am Loved

I am Smart

I am Strong

I am Unique

I am Gifted

I am Blessed


You can be anything you want to be.

In the beginning, you might feel awkward repeating those words to yourself because we tend to take these terms for self-flattery or arrogance, but it is not! 

There is nothing wrong with cheering yourself up!!!




4) The Law Of Attraction

The Law of Attraction, myth, or reality?

I've experienced many unexpected events in my life, and I strongly believe in the law of attraction:

"In the New Thought philosophy, the Law of Attraction believes that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life."

It is all about what you send into the universe.

Believe it or not, it is working. I lived once as a negative person; I wasn't happy because I was forced to do something I didn't want to, and I lived that way for four months.

Negative thoughts every day, and I quickly felt miserable. It all manifested in my life: the most significant injury of my career, I couldn't dance for five months, then I gained nearly 13 kg, and I was utterly broke and depressed. I now know that this experience was a blessing in disguise. For the first time in my life, I had to reconsider my thinking, and I took action to change that.

That incident was an eye-opening experience. I've seen the power of my thoughts and words manifest in my world. Learn more about this journey in my previous article:

Free yourself from your biggest addiction: Sugar!

Just try that, get up tomorrow morning and repeat these words: "I'm feeling amazing, full of energy, and I will have a fantastic day!" and see the results for yourself...!

You might be amazed by the power of your mind.


Successful dancers decide to be happy and prosperous as they understand that law. It doesn't mean that nothing wrong is happening in their lives, it certainly does, but the way they react to it is different. They rise above that by focusing on the future and learning from their mistakes.

They send positive thoughts into the universe and live positive lives.

It doesn't mean you must think to be blessed; you must also take inspired actions. If you only want good to happen to you, think about it, and focus only on what you want and how you'd feel if you had what you wanted right now. 


  • If you would like to learn more about the Law of Attraction and how to use it, read this book:

"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. I read it twice, and it completely changed my world!




5) Inspired Action


Let's talk about it. I mentioned it in one of my previous articles, one of the most popular on this blog; if you haven't read it yet, check it out later on:

The real-life of a Dancer - And how to deal with it like a Pro

Being positive is crucial because you can't live your dream life with negative thoughts.

You must take action now that will move you towards your goals.

That is what successful people do daily. They are optimistic and know they must make the next move to make things happen.

If you want to be a great dancer, if you're going to book this job, you know you must be optimistic about it and work on it actively. You will go to class regularly, you will train your body, you will look after yourself to make yourself the best you can, then you will get an audition, and you will smash it!

These are inspired actions; combined with positive thoughts, the result is INCREDIBLY POWERFUL.

It works for everything, anything you have in mind or any goal you want to achieve.

That is how you achieve great things. They are not better than you; they are not different, okay, some people are excellent in what they do, but it is not just that. If they did it, you could do it too!  





6) Overthinking


People think way too much; they want everything to be perfect and sometimes stay stuck on the same self-doubting thoughts and don't do much for fear of making mistakes. 

That's a genuine mistake.

Don't let "what ifs" and your fears dictate your life. Do not think of why any projects you want to start couldn't work! Just do it!


Visualise the small steps to get closer to the big picture and ACT.


That's what successful people do. Don't overthink things! It might not be perfect, but do not worry! You will fix it along the way. Get into the habit of seeing everything you do is reversible. You can change and adapt to anything you want because you are in charge.

It is better to start something 50% ready rather than not doing anything at all. 


Because You Are Your First Client

As I mentioned in my previous articles, you must believe in yourself if you want people to believe in you.

I know how difficult it can be to promote yourself when you can't see your value; if you are in this situation, I want you to know that you are unique and might not see it today, but you have something to offer too.

You are gifted. You must be particularly good at something, or you have that particular skill, use it! If you want your career to move on to the next level, you must go out there and utilise the fantastic tool we have today to promote yourself. 


That makes a big difference between people who succeed in what they do and those who unfortunately don't.

If you are concerned about your future right now, don't worry; you are reading this article, and luckily, those words will inspire you. 


I recommend this excellent book; if you feel that "fear" of doing stuff, this book will help you:

  • "Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers is a must-read to gain precious confidence.





7) Like-minded People

Do pessimistic people surround you?

Do they doubt you? Perhaps they are your friends or even your family members. As soon as you tell them about your goals, they make you feel like you can't succeed. Is that right? I'm sure it comes from a place of love, but they don't realise the power of their words.


The critical question here is: Are you listening to them? Are you taking any advice on your career from them? Please don't.

If your closest friends or family constantly put you down, please speak to them. Be sincere about it; tell them that their lack of support is not helping you and that you feel affected by such discussions. If they genuinely love you, they will make some changes and become the positive people you need.

You should find like-minded friends. People who aspire to the same things in life. You share identical beliefs, so you are supporting each other, and consequently, you are moving forward together!


Be discreet to achieve what you want. Any audition, casting, or any business plan you have, keep it to yourself as much as possible.





8) Thank you

People underestimate the power of these words: << Thank you >>. 

Being grateful for everything you possess is a central pillar of a fulfilled and happy life. Here is another trait shared by many successful people. They are thankful; they say thank you regularly.

It's easy to say, "Thank you so much for my health." I know you get it if you understand the Law of Attraction or believe in Karma. This quality will increase your happiness and bring you closer to your goals. 

 The same goes for complaints. Your worst job, awful house or food is a luxury for someone else. Some people die trying to be as lucky as you are! If you live in the West, you must realise how rich and fortunate you are. We have freedom, peace, resources, employment, and food. We are so blessed.

Being grateful for what you have is the ultimate way to live at peace with yourself and help your community.


Surprisingly this state of mind will also improve your finances!


  • You must read the following book! Don't judge it by its cover; it is more profound than that.

"Happy Money" by Ken Honda is enlightening! An excellent read! I love it.


Say thank you, be grateful for all your blessings, and more Success will come your way!




The Art of Visualisation.

It is how you will stay motivated. No matter what life throws at you, follow these tips, and you will always move forward.

Remain positive in every situation for your good, free yourself from self-judgment, and you will stop doubting your value in this world.

Visualise the person you want to be. This person is right there, inside of you.

Always look on the bright side of life, and you will shine forever.



Thank you for reading; please share with your friends and family!



 Photos: Bekka Mongeau, Guilherme Almeida



Next on A Safe Place To Be:

Mirrors In Dance Classes

The Ultimate Guide to a Complete Makeover

11 reasons why you shouldn't skip ballet

Are Dancers Workaholics?

Interview: A Dancer's Life, The Story of Don Prosch

 Paris, New York, or London?

 My Online Dancing Journey

What Do Dancers Think About Social Media?

The best dance application in 8 easy steps

Horton in 17 Fortifications

Free yourself from your biggest addiction: Sugar!

The real-life of a Dancer - And how to deal with it like a Pro

Live a happy, healthy, and dancy life in 14 easy steps! 

Are you part of the solution?

The New Dance Teacher's Guideline for Success

Is it too late to Dream Big?

Graham in 21 Movements

How to stay motivated? The Art of Visualisation!





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