Photo: Tirachard Kumtanom





Have you read our previous article?

The real-life of a Dancer - And how to deal with it like a Pro

I genuinely recommend it to you; it is highly related to today's article and will give you all the insights you need to get the perfect mindset for your career.



Originally published in 2021, this article has been updated and rewritten by the author in May 2024.




Perhaps you have been sending many unsuccessful applications for school auditions or jobs or would like to offer some helpful advice to a friend or family member. 

Whether you are a student, a dancer, an actor, a singer, or a teacher working in the performing arts industry, this article is for you.



Step 1: Apply for a job you want


Read the job offer thoroughly and apply if you are sincerely happy. 

I know we all need to pay our bills, but when you send an application for a job you genuinely are interested in, it will inspire and motivate you even more.

Be authentic and only apply if you sincerely want the job; this is how you will be more successful in the long term. I know from experience that we rarely book a job we are not passionate about. 





Step 2: Make them want to meet you!


Show how nice it can be to work with you because you are professional, reliable, and an excellent fit for the role. Demonstrate how positive and easy-going you are; it will always benefit your application, and people will want to meet you.

That is one of my secrets and how I got invited to many auditions in my career. I stay warm and straightforward, and I choose my words wisely. 

You do not need to be too formal; however, always be respectful and add a bit of your personality to your cover letter. You are also a lovely human being; let them know about it!


Recently I received a great application from a talented dancer. This cover letter was confident and promising: " I am everything you could look for in a dancer: fabulous technique, extraordinary look, and sunny personality! " Some people could find these words arrogant. Not me. It was original and unique. I invited this person to audition for this great project because I was intrigued and curious to see them.

And it was the truth. I've seen all that, and this dancer booked the job. 


Step 3: Write a cover letter


There is no such thing as writing the perfect cover letter as we never know who we are talking to; however, there are a few points to consider when writing a cover letter. 

Firstly, write one! 

Yes, indeed, many dancers don't. Writing a cover letter will be your first good point as it shows an essential character trait: you care. You have read the job advert, and you are serious about it. You took the time to read the job description thoroughly, and they will always appreciate it. 

Here are a few tips which will make your application stand out:

  • Introduce yourself briefly
  • Keep it short and relevant. Explain how you would be the perfect person for the job by quoting the main points mentioned in the actual job offer
  • Demonstrate your qualities for the role and how you tick all the boxes meticulously, be very specific about it and stick to the brief
  • There is no need to mention all your professional experience unless relevant to the job offer; go straight to the point! Remember, it is not your CV.
  • Be polite, respectful, and not too familiar, but not too formal. Find the right balance and inspire respect and professionalism. 
  • Find a nice and catchy phrase to attract your readers

In the past 18 years, I have sent out hundreds of job applications, and I've been invited quite a lot when I took the time to write a friendly cover letter. I have tried the easy way, too, I got fed up, and sometimes I sent applications without cover letters, and unsurprisingly I wasn't invited. 

I tried both methods, and writing a short cover letter will always raise your profile and give you 70% more chances to be invited. It tells a lot about who you are and how you present yourself in the industry. I have been on the "other side" many times, and I know how you can be perceived in a simple job application. 

As mentioned above, it is crucial to stay relevant at all times. Remember that casting directors might see hundreds of applications, so their time is limited. 

Remember to highlight your strengths and that you're applying for a specific role. We love to share the beautiful things we have done in the past, but you are missing the point if it's not pertinent to the casting director.





Step 4: Send appropriate photos


It is paramount and can genuinely make your application stand out. Always send great photos, select shots that inspire your audience, and send relevant information like your cover letter. 

Send quality shots where we can see your technique and the quality of your training. Sometimes wonderful photos can even boost a very poor cover letter and will get you invited. 

Also, if you are sending an email, please send your photos in small or medium sizes, never large, as this is an absolute nightmare for casting directors. It makes your application difficult to read and can even be unflattering. Select clear modern shots, and be constantly mindful of that because you want to make a great first impression on casting directors. 

Select your headshot carefully, it is your image, and the wrong headshot could diminish your chances of getting invited. Look your best, smile, be confident and send professional shots if possible.

If you can't send appropriate photos, do not worry too much; send your application and explain why you couldn't fulfil this requirement briefly; if your profile interests them, they will invite you regardless of your photos.

And finally, send no more than three photos. Remember that you are not the only candidate, it can be pretty overwhelming, and you want to be sure that your application is seen positively. 



Step 5: Send your CV even if they don't ask for it


In our industry, you might not be asked for a CV every time. Sometimes, only a cover letter and headshot are required; however, send your CV if you can. 

Casting directors might sometimes need more information to select suitable candidates. Even though they haven't necessarily asked you for a CV in the first place, sending it over is a bonus. It will enhance your application by delivering critical points about your professional experience and vocational training. 

Send an updated CV, highlight all the relevant information, and create a tailored document for this job offer. Think about how you could showcase your strengths for this unique opportunity. 

A great CV is a plus and can get you invited to auditions.



Step 6: Showreel; keep it simple


In today's world, having a showreel or a simple video of yourself is essential if you want to get ahead in the entertainment industry. While it is still possible to be invited to audition without a video, it is better to follow some simple steps to create a video and include it with your application. I have found that these steps have been effective in my own experience.

These are my tips for the best video to send with your application:

  • Make it unique and relevant to the job offer
  • Please keep it simple. You in your garden, a studio, or on stage
  • Wear appropriate clothing to show your lines
  • Avoid big ensemble videos; it is not engaging; they must see you and just you!
  • No longer than 2 minutes

Apply these tips as soon as possible, and you will get more invitations to audition.

Nothing is worse than a casting director going for a big treasure hunt while watching your showreel. Sometimes it is better to send a minute-long video of yourself in your garden demonstrating what they need rather than a 4 minutes showreel of multiple footages of yourself dancing in big productions. I know it might look prestigious, but it is irrelevant and can affect your application if we can't see you well.  

Also, see this opportunity as a first-time performance. Be mindful of your appearance, and look professional; it is a real bonus. These applications, especially for a job offer, have a high impact on casting directors and make them remember you.





Step 7: Take risks!


This is a real-life story. I remembered this dancer a few years ago. She spotted an excellent job offer for a position as a dancer in a contemporary company in London. The audition was in a few days, and she heard about it a bit too late, just one day after the deadline. She came to me and asked me for advice:

" - I like this job but missed the deadline. Should I send my application anyway? What do you think?

  - Well, you have genuinely just found out about it; I would send my application anyway, it is just one day, and I would explain the truth politely. It can't hurt! Then, I would demonstrate why I am perfect for the role despite missing the deadline. 

If possible, please send your application on time, but if you weren't aware of it beforehand, send it anyway! Who knows? There is a difference between knowing that you are late because of a lack of time management and being late because of an innocent mistake. You can politely explain it and get the chance to be invited to audition anyway, there is someone behind the computer, and this person was perhaps in your shoes 15 years ago; therefore, you could be understood and still get a chance.

In the end, my friend got invited to the audition. They were looking for one dancer only, and she got the job. 



Step 8: Be very responsive; email like a pro


This one is crucial and could break or make your career. 

Our industry is fast-paced, and everything happens quickly; therefore, you must be flexible and adapt to specific standards. 

If you are lucky enough to be invited to audition, respond to this invitation as soon as possible; doing otherwise is not encouraged and can genuinely affect your reputation. 




Here is a simple guideline to success:

  • Always respond to an invitation to audition in less than 24 hours
  • Always acknowledge emails by sending a brief confirmation. It is highly appreciated
  • Do not wait two days to reply.
  • Apologise if you couldn't reply earlier. Your answer is more important than you think
  • Always send an email if you are late or if you can't join the audition at the end

Follow these simple steps, and you will demonstrate important qualities unanimously appreciated in our industry: 

  • You are professional, and you care.
  • You are considerate of other people's schedules.
  • You are respectful and mature.
  • You are reliable, and we can count on you.
  • You can be trusted and will deliver the job.

Implementing these simple rules is easy and will never hurt; however, failing to do so might cost you way more and affect your career. 

Why on earth would a company or a choreographer want to invite a dancer to audition if they waited 2 or 3 days to get a simple answer?... This email was your first contact with the production, and not being responsive enough will only show that you don't value people's time.  

Once you are invited and your involvement is confirmed, you can be a bit more relaxed about it. However, I strongly encourage you to remain communicative; it benefits everyone and will make communication smoother.

Be very responsive; your application will stand out, and you will have a serious advantage over your competitors from the start.


Bonus: It doesn't have to be complex to be valuable

This will apply to students auditioning to join a professional course or to someone applying online and booking a job quicker than you expected.

Well, it is happening; you don't need to overthink it now. The audition process doesn't always need to be difficult and long.

Some institutions may make the audition process difficult for administrative reasons or simply for drama. However, I recently encountered a student of mine who was pleasantly surprised to be accepted based solely on a video application showcasing her dancing skills. She could skip the second round and proceed straight to the interview. A good professional can quickly spot solid potential, making the entire process more efficient for those who recognize obvious talent. If this happens to you, go for it. You've earned it!

If the job or course offer meets all your requirements, take it. Don't suffer in disbelief from the fear of missing out by waiting for something that might be better. This way, you could lose focus on what you want, which is right in front of you.

You don't necessarily need to work "hard" for it or wait weeks for an answer. What is meant to be can come to you easily.






Now you can send your best job application.


These steps will enhance your application and maximise your chances of getting more invitations. 

Although these are efficient steps, casting directors are pretty unpredictable, and even though you sent the perfect application for the job, you could still not be invited! Remember that this is never personal; you are great at what you do and did your best. There is nothing else you can do about it.

There is always a risk; however, you can't create these new opportunities without actions, so give it a go!



Remain positive, consistent, and motivated. Be professional and ready. 

One day, you will book your dream job,


Believe in it.




Thank You For Reading; please Share With Your Friends And Family!




One-on-One Classes

The Private Coaching Programme is for dancers who want to improve, excel, and become the best dancer they can be. Also, for dancers in need of coaching for performances, competitions, college audition preparation, summer program video submissions, pre-professional programmes, and choreography.

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